Monday, May 19, 2014
© 2014 Pamela MacCarthy
All rights reserved
Inspiration is
undivided attention
further explored...
© 2014 Pamela MacCarthy
A very busy and creative weekend!
Our photo-shoot was on Sat. with myself, Tomoya,
and photographer Mr. Arai, (新井 博 之) for the new CD...
On Sunday, my son Michio did the cover shoot.
Also on Sunday, was my Ikebana group's show,
I was able to go see it, right at the end...
While there, Lorna took a photo of me
standing next to an arrangement that used a veil, as part of its concept.
Lorna's original photo is very beautiful...
But the concept of me wearing a veil is abstract to me;
so I went digital with the image...
A great weekend!
Till Next Time...
Labels: Artist Pamela MacCarthy, Digital Art 2014, Haiku, Michio Yves Ueda Photography, My Ikebana Group, My New CD Project 2014, 新井 博 之 Photography
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