Friday, April 21, 2006
I'd like to present my son Michio's art work from his Introduction to Visual Art: Design class, at Temple University Japan.
This was his final "exam" of the class.
 © 2006 Michio Yves Ueda "Art Meteors"
Pencil on paper
Till next time...'Mela
11:09 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
© 2006 Pamela MacCarthy
All rights reserved
“Michio Is 20”
50.5 cm x 60.5 cm
Gouache on canvas
At last, I present my finished portrait of my son, Michio.
Painting Michio's portrait is something I've felt a very strong urge to do for a while now. Him turning 20 seemed an auspicious time to finally take this challenge on...
I'm very proud of this, and my son.
Till next time... 'Mela
Labels: "Michio Is 20", Artist Pamela MacCarthy, Pamela MacCarthy's artwork, Pamela MacCarthy's Meladramas
6:14 PM