Saturday, November 01, 2008
Yesterday, I knew it would be a busy day...
I wrote out my title cards for my art works.
This time, though, Michio translated the titles into Japanese; with the most elegant kanji caligraphy.
We set up the show, with minimal schlepping involved, just the haul to the station...
With elevators now in train stations, it's a bit easier than it once was...
We got to Jazz Spot / Gallery ”J”, in Shinjuku, and Michio & I fell into the task like well oiled machinery!
I had a layout plan, and Michio was most helpful...
1 1/2 hours later...

It is done! photo: Michio Yves Ueda
I'd like to thank my most helpful son Michio, and my dear friend Hiroshi for all his support on this project.
Next up, my Opening Party/LIVE JAZZ performance on November 6th, Thursday.
'Till Next Time... 
Labels: Artist Pamela MacCarthy, Cup Of Now, Digital Art, Digital Art Exhibition 2011 at Gallery "J", Jazz Spot J
9:51 PM