Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Photo: Touru Ogawa
Pamela MacCarthy
Live at Tokyo Main Dining
Shibuya, November 13th, 2008
Keisaku Takahashi, on piano.
Thanks to all who came out to support me!
Next Appearance:
December 5th, Friday...
'Till Next Time...
Labels: Artist Pamela MacCarthy, Live Jazz, Tokyo Main Dining
10:39 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
My Opening Party/Live Jazz performance
at Jazz Spot “J” was a success!
Backing me up were
The Trio:
Keisaku Takahashi - piano
Kazuo Midorikawa - bass
Yosuke Hase - drums
Photo: Hiroshi Yamamoto
Kohda-san, owner of Jazzspot/ Gallery “J”, Artist Pamela MacCarthy,
and Kenji Tsuboi
Opening Party, November 6th, 2008.
In the background, some of my featured works...
Many thanks to my friends who were there to support me!
My show; Digital Art Exhibition; “CUP of NOW”
will run until 29th, November, 2008.
'Till Next Time...
7:30 PM
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Yesterday, I knew it would be a busy day...
I wrote out my title cards for my art works.
This time, though, Michio translated the titles into Japanese; with the most elegant kanji caligraphy.
We set up the show, with minimal schlepping involved, just the haul to the station...
With elevators now in train stations, it's a bit easier than it once was...
We got to Jazz Spot / Gallery ”J”, in Shinjuku, and Michio & I fell into the task like well oiled machinery!
I had a layout plan, and Michio was most helpful...
1 1/2 hours later...

It is done! photo: Michio Yves Ueda
I'd like to thank my most helpful son Michio, and my dear friend Hiroshi for all his support on this project.
Next up, my Opening Party/LIVE JAZZ performance on November 6th, Thursday.
'Till Next Time... 
Labels: Artist Pamela MacCarthy, Cup Of Now, Digital Art, Digital Art Exhibition 2011 at Gallery "J", Jazz Spot J
9:51 PM