Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'm here in Los Angeles at last!
After a long flight, nothing beats a friendly smile, and some Vietnamese noodles, to set you right! My lovely girlfriend Young Hee, met me at LAX, and whisked me off for a nice light snack...
Later on, back at her & her families' place...
I met YH's husband, Jeff,Sr. her son, Jeff Jr., & Little Audrey, who is very sweet to let me use her room for a little while...
Tryin' to shakeoff the jet lag, which has been kept minimal with all the wonderful activity that meeting new friends and family can bring. I met the whole family for the most excellent bar-be-que. Lots of laughs, and my jetlagged furbrain was feeling right at home!
Sunday, we made a stop in Buster's, a neighborhood coffee/art/music kinda hangout. No sooner we sit down, on the sunlit sidewalk bench outside, than some kickin' jazz action was fired up.
Helloooo Pamela!
I gravitated in to see who was attached to these fine sounding jams. An excellent keyboardist, bassman, and drummer were gettin' busy...
Then a young lady gets up to sing a tune. A high shool student of The Arts; she had a nice delivery, and I smiled, remembering my own self starting out...
Next a tenorman joined the mix, and then, yours truly, Miz Mela Mac gets up to bring a heapin' helpin' of her own brand of musicality... It was a serendipitous afternoon.
It brought me back to the days of the "old" Upper West Side, NYC- The neigborhood joints. Artists, musicians, actors, poets, and the like, would congregate and share ideas, etc., and pass the hat at the end of the session...
These same places have now been converted to BIG BI'NESS INC., created for tourists...
But, I digress...
I met Young Hee's parents. They both were very warm, and it was a nice meeting. Today I will get together with Billy "Mitch" Mitchell and the Trio, for a little rehearsal before our gig at Cavallino's this Thursday, Oct. 12th...,
'Till next time...'Mela
12:06 PM