Monday, June 05, 2006
It's a day of three sixes...

Pretty, Pretty, Paper Parasol © 2006 Pamela MacCarthy
My iPod stirs the kaleidescope air with a sprig of mint...
Moving along on a blustery June day in Tokyo-
Home of the natives and the things that wouldn’t leave
Fuchsia-pink toes, fingers and lips serve as landmarks in the washout of the midday sun
French Accordian music gives my steps bounce
Koto music makes me float as if not having feet
American music pins the groove all down:
It takes names, but no prisoners; occupations, physical descriptions, social security numbers, and mood ring shades...
Just the facts, m’am. Just the facts.
Pretty, pretty, paper parasol...
Till next time...'Mela
10:33 PM