Sunday, May 07, 2006
Today is the birthday of one of my oldest and dearest friends. The Taurus girl, Mary.
We have been friends since we were both 14. As many will attest, 14 is a damned tough time in a person’s life. Mary was the beacon of light that said, “Don’t worry about it.”
I spent a lot of time in her house with her family. Her late mom, Isabelle, from Glasgow, Scotland, thought I was something special because I shared her passion for field hockey.
I was a center forward on the championship-winning team. But, as always, I digress...
Mary’s dad was from Warsaw, Poland. He called her Marishka, and she was his treasure.
Mary was the youngest in a house of older brothers. Only one brother, Johnny, was still at home when I met her.
Mary's house was like my second home. Before I met her, I always had my nose in a comic book, or some science fiction, or a book of Mark Twain.
I showed up for school one day, in one of my signature outfits: A zig-zag edged, kermit-the-frog lime green dress with matching tights.
It must be how Mary first noticed me. I noticed her big smile and ready laugh, and her bright hazel-brown eyes. She accepted me and my quirkiness, and I was happy to find in her a kind, understanding person, who loves to laugh!
I still laugh at our escapades, thinking back...
I was maid-of-honor at her wedding. Her & Tom are still happily married, and have three great girls.
We still share our worries, our personal triumphs and heartbreaks...
A friend who has known you from back when is a precious thing-
And so, to one of my oldest friends:
Happy Birthday, Mary!
Till next time...'Mela
10:25 AM