Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Yesterday was one of the mildest days this year. Later, on the news, they said it was a record set for the warmest day in February...
I was taking it all in, walking slowly along the "Green Road"; A lovely tree-lined residential street that leads the way back to the train station from my dentist's office.
The sun was so warm, and there was a fragrance of flowers in the air.
Then, I saw it.
 The first plum blossom, or ume, in Japanese, this year.
But this one was reddish-pink, not off-white, like the ones in my neighborhood.
Coincidentally, I was also listening to the soundtrack from Memoirs of a Geisha on my iPod, as | often do when walking.
I was listening to track #5, Chiyo’s Prayer, ( the music that plays in the scene when the Geisha was still Chiyo, a young girl, running along the shrine path) when I saw these blossoms.
I heard the schoolgirls giggling, walking behind me. In the corner of my eye I saw them walk past in their plaid skirts...
How strange I must’ve appeared to them: A tall blonde woman in a long black coat standing transfixed, staring at these blossoms, wiping back tears.
My mind drifted back to my childhood. To a little house in Pine Bush, New York, where I grew up.
On the front lawn of this house were two red-pink plum blossomed trees. The same color as the ones I saw yesterday.
I remember thinking back then, when those trees bore fruit, “These are odd plums...”
How could I have known that they were Japanese ume, and one day I would be living in the place where they came from.
Although I became nostalgic for a moment, this event made me feel bolstered, somehow... Like I’m in the right place, at the right time; where I’m supposed to be.
I don’ t pray for miracles anymore, just for signs...
Till next time... 'Mela
8:06 PM