Monday, January 30, 2006
I went to see the film Memoirs of a Geisha or Sayuri as it is titled in Japan.
 Sayuri as portrayed by Ziyi Zhang
I was very excited to at last see this film. It was playing in a new TOHO cinema, with modern spacious seats, and not too crowded. It was sold out on my first attempt.
All the controversy concerning wrong nationalities playing certain roles, etc., had me curious to know if indeed it would be a cheesy Hollywood production; garish, and unauthentic- Or what?
I suppose if this were a documentary, we could all go on about how this isn't this, and that isn't that.
But on the whole, the film works.
The actors and actresses were spectacular. The scenery, breath taking. The soundtrack, featuring luminaries such as celloist Yo Yo Ma, violinist Itzak Perlman, and with John Williams' score, completely captures the essence of the story.
The shakuhachi flute was used slighty past the subtle point, but the artistry behind the playing made it moot- I loved the sound of the kodo drums, they added depth and excitement to the scenes...
The story was a sad and beautiful tale. In the beginning, I recognizeded the actor Mako as the old fisherman- His face captured in a grimace of pain, as he watches his grandaughters being carted off after being sold.
Coincidentally, the story is beautifully narrated by Hoshi, Shizuko; who is also Mako's wife, in real life. Her narration of Sayuri telling her tale has an authentic edge of maturity that puts you at ease, and draws you in to the story.
The child actress, Ohgo, Suzuka who played Suyuri as the child named Chiyo, was fantastic.
Her scene when she is running, with those long 9 year old girl in yukata's legs making her wish for her future just caught my heart. She captured the role so naturally.
All the roles were excellently portrayed.
I feel Ziya Zhang is Oscar material, her performance transcends cultural differences- The supporting actresses gave incredible performances; Michelle Yeoh as Mameha, Li Gong as Hatsumomo and Kaori Momoi as Mother.
 Suyuri's debut dance
I loved this story. I loved this film. It is the way a film should be- A total sensual pleasure.
If in fact there were small flaws in accents, the story being told was not hindered by them.
I totally recommend it.
I now own the soundtrack CD. It is a nice souvenir of an excellent film.
Till next time...'Mela
11:35 PM