Friday, December 30, 2005
I went out and bought a new 2006 calendar.
After looking over my past dates in 2005, I realize I had a busy year:
2 art exhibitions;
the month of February, Meladramas: On Stage At Last! at Cafe CoCoLo, Shinjuku. Thanks to all who came to see my work.
The month of October DIGITAL DIARY at Jazz Spot “J” Thanks to all who came to see my work.
My son Michio started his first semester at Temple University Japan, in September
My big band show celebrating the “American Songbook”, in June.
So, today, the last day of 2005, this is my “blog” .
I'm listing events and giving thanks for all who helped me succeed in the year 2005.
For my live house and gallery appearances; thanks to the club/ gallery/ cafe owners:
Kei Ishida & Stan Gilbert at Club Kei, AKASAKA Koda-san at Jazz Spot/Gallery “J” Shinjuku Kuriyama san, at Cafe CoCoLo, Shinjuku Inada-san at Half-Tone, Tachikawa Sugiya san, (R.I.P.) at B Flat, AKASAKA,
10 Digital art pieces created in 2005.
1 painting, a commission,"The Sunflowers" also in 2005.
My trip to Guam in August...
Thanks to all my dear family and friends around the world who keep me posted on things, and keep my spirits up.
I’m also thankful for the great friends I have here in Tokyo:
Hiroshi Yamamoto, for his friendship, patronage, help & support of me & my art . Michael Robben, for his friendship, patronage, moral support, art gallery treks together, and telephone chats! Kenji Tsuboi, for his long time friendship, patronage & support in my art & music. Kamitori-san, for always being there when I look out in the audience, and for supporting my efforts, be they art or music.
Thanks to all the press, who list my events...
Thanks to my fans who come to my events...
To my son Michio, for doing his best this year, in his studies, and as a helper to me. And Akio,for his support, and writing music charts for me...
Also, all the musicians whom I play regularly with, whom make my job a pleasure!
For the new musicians I met this year; Hiro Morozumi; piano, Hiroshi Eguchi; electric bass, “Moto” Makino; guitar, JJ Vicars; bass, guitar, Moreno Bussoletti, piano, & Alessio D'Alessandro, drums...
And for the musicians/ old friends I re-met after a long time passed...
Thanks for all the great people I worked with on the Benefit Concerts for Katrina, at the FCCJ and at B-FLAT Akasaka. Thanks to The J-Belles; Julianne & Joni Davidson, for doing some great work with me at the Katrina Benefit at FCCJ. Also the fun rehearsals...
Thanks for my last gig this year at the Imperial Hotel in Ginza.
Thanks to you, my readers, for tuning in!
I thank God, and hope He will bless us all, and keep the souls we lost in 2005.
And I pray that 2006, will be a great year; bringing us peaceful days, & fun nights, filled with health, happiness, prosperity and lotsa gigs!
Thank you 2005, and Adio!
Till next time... 
7:37 PM