Saturday, September 17, 2005
The distant echoing thud on the huge drum on wheels is coming closer...
The whistling of small bamboo flutes together with the rhythmic beating of a cowbell create a hypnotic aura as the float on wheels slowly approaches.
There is excitement in the air, as the rice harvest procession of villagers and floats make their way around the lantern lit streets.
It will go on for a time, till it reaches the final destination, the Ginga-
My own personal Backyard Shrine.
It’s a warm breezy night with the backdrop of the almost full orange moon.
I have seen this event many times, in the years I’ve spent here. Every year I enjoy it anew.
I’ve taken many photos tonight. Perhaps a new canvas will emerge from the spirit I felt in my little town...
Till next time... ‘Mela
6:54 AM