Sunday, March 13, 2005
A lot of events in this month of March...
My son's graduation went off well- Sedate in comparison to my own, a different time & space, for sure-
They don't individually present diplomas to students in high school in Japan. The Senior year's class is divided into "kumi's" and one kumi member goes up and receives a "packet" of all diplomas for their group- So there's no individual moment of triumph. To me, this seems a total gyp.
I cheered on the kids as they walked in with their orchid corsages, hair wax, and big smiles... As each name was called out, each had their own individual response. Their own way of saying "hai". ( "yes", " here", "present"...)
That response, plus the stroll in and out was it. The only amount of individual expression allotted. The rest was all bureaucracy...
As I sat in the audience observing this very serious affair, which more resembled attending mass than a graduation, I felt a battle ensueing...
A battle between a future of what could be, and what already is.
A flashback:
I had a streaker at my graduation... I couldn't help but remember this crazy ass kid running across the stage, naked and smiling... His timing was bad, though... If he would've waited an extra minute, when he came out wouldn't have caused such a rumpus. It would've been funny. Instead, he came out when a girl in my class who had cerebral palsy was about to get her diploma.
The dude definately made his move too soon...
Although he caught proper hell for this stunt, I can't even imagine it happening here... I watched the kids stroll in the gymnasium, and then back out again, and I thought: These kids are no different from how I was- They have their individuality, they just learn to keep it in a safe place while learning how to deal.
I love the beauty of this age. The spirit.
My biggest hope for these kids is they keep the spirit alive- Free from getting downtrodden by the big whatever...
Now, we wait for Michio's college tests result on the 16th...
Till next time... 'Mela
9:04 PM