Saturday, March 20, 2004
Today is my son's birthday.
Michio turns 18 today.
I feel so full of pride looking at him...
Being his mom has taught me a lot-
It has given me more challenges and peace
than anything else in this world.
I remember years ago, in NYC,
a girlfriend of mine had a talk with me.
She was a mom herself, with a son a few years old-
She had watched my trials and tribulations
in the music world,
she was also a fan of my music-
What she said to me will remain in my memory forever:
Being a mom will not get you a Grammy, or an Oscar,
it won't win you any type of award, except the simplest and most fulfilling, the love of your child,
and the knowledge that YOU had something to do with bringing a baby into this world
and raising it up to be a wonderful adult person.
There is no bigger award than that.
I remember giving an expectant mom smile to Terri...
I've found I'm 18 by Alice Cooper to play for him today.
I'm sure he will hate it.
He is so completely different from me.
But this is as it should be.
His name in Kanji means
walking your own road.
He has always done that.
He has done things in his own time, and space.
He has enchanted my life.
This job of raising him has made me feel special and needed
when the rest of the world
seemed indifferent.
My obstetrician, a wonderful man
named Dr. Gleis told me after he was born:
You will never be alone again...
The Aries Fire Tiger...
Happy Birthday Michio!
Till next time... 'Mela
8:06 PM