Saturday, December 06, 2003
Today I remembered a feeling I had many years ago,
after a long, long journey
on a cross country bus,
from NY to LA-
I finally made the last bit of stretch down highway 101,
seeing palm trees and a sky bluer than any I had ever seen back east.
Listening to Jim Morrison's
I had a feeling of exhilaration at being part of something,
not knowing yet of what ...
I was nearing the end of my journey,
but the beginning
of the long space trip.
By some persistant egging on of fate,
and me finally taking the bait,
I got a ticket.
Sweating blood with the angst of uncertainty,
I must've lost 10 lbs
on the first leg of my trip.
But as I travelled on,
the sun hit the landscape differently
and somehow along the way,
I felt a transformation.
East to west?
but it felt like much more...
I just let go.
I guess it only comes after some grand illusion is either set up or torn down.
How good it felt to be the recipient
of my own convictions,
for the first time completely trusting my own idea.
It is that egging on I'm feeling again,
after all these years.
What will I do with it this time...?
Well, i just got into town about an hour ago
took a look around,
see which way the wind blow
with the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows
are you a lucky little lady in the city of light
or just another lost angel...
-Jim Morrison
Today is my beautiful sister Debbie's birthday.
The unconventional Sagittarius.
We will share the same age until my birthday Jan. 9th.
I'm kind of passing her the torch to her new year,
and I'm hoping it will be one of great things.
Happy Birthday Debbie!
Till next time... 'Mela
6:20 PM