Monday, September 29, 2003
The painting goes well...
It's been days now, and today I notice I've reached the point where it starts to "fit".
It is a puzzle to me, painting...
I see abstract shapes- chunks and dots of color...
I guess I have always seen things in an abstract way.
As a kid I used to spend a lot of time alone in the woods.
I loved the silence of the place I used to visit the most:
A group of rocks with hickory trees surrounding it.
I'd sit there at a huge rock used as a table with a big rock in one hand, and a small pile of hickory nuts in the other.
The birds and squirrels were my only visitors.
I used to love to look up into the trees and see the colors the sun would make on the leaves.
I still look for that "place".
There is a point in all my paintings where I can "see" it come together.
I use some forms of navigation; sketches, photos, etc.,
but those are only loose guides-
The trick is putting my focus to where ever it leads...
A kind of "spirit" takes over, and transports me to another place.
This is why I paint.
I go AWAY when I paint.
I leave the premises-
If only for a few hours,
but it's like going back to that "place" I loved as a child.
Back to work...
"In the big rock candy mountains
all the cops have wooden legs
the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
and the hens lay soft boiled eggs..." -Harry "Mac" McClintock
Till next time... 'Mela
12:06 AM