Thursday, July 31, 2003
August is here and
I got the blues...
I miss my family: my mother and step-dad, my 3 sisters, my nieces and nephews-
My best friend from high school and her husband, who I was maid of honor at their wedding, will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow.
But I’ll be here.
I miss Yankee Stadium, watching the boys in pinstripes.
I miss shopping for brassieres and really cute shoes, where my size is not a problem.
I miss shopping for classic shades of lipstick, that never go out of “style”...
I miss overhearing conversations in crowded places, and by virtue of speaking the same lanquage feeling “part” of the conversation-
I miss the feeling of belonging to a country, and the unity that it sometimes brings...
I miss real kosher hot dogs.
I miss going to the foreign film movie houses with all movies having English subtitles-
I want to see Pedro Almavadar’s movies!
I miss the summer pools and beaches- that have no problem with a person putting on sun block, instead of inspecting you for it and insisting you “shower it off” .
I miss my home, although I don’t know where it is now, I know where it used to be.
I miss the sun not going down till almost 9pm,
and the feeling in the air-
I am tired to the bone of being in Japan.
And I know there are twenty million people who will just flip off the simple “Go to Narita” response,
but it just isn’t that simple-
Longing in one’s heart doesn’t necessarily make it the thing to do.
There are issues standing in the way-
So I’m facing them, with a purpose of mind that I have in most areas of my life.
But that don’t make me immune to the blues...
I heard my first cicada today.
They call them “semi’s” here...
In a few days, the fireworks will be here!
On the river near to me, a 1 hour show.
They do it every year.
They even got a firework that looks like a smiley face-
“If that isn’t love it’ll have to do
until the real thing comes along...” -Sammy Cahn
To my best friend Mary and her husband Tom-
Till next time... ‘Mela
11:56 PM