Friday, July 11, 2003
After arriving home from my glorious morning, I have only this to say:
Rant of the day:
A few small changes should be made in the following departments:
Gidensha Hokanjo [bike keeping place] should actually read : Gidensha Kaizoko [bike pirates]
complete with a skull and crossbones on the gate.
There is a practice here that has gotten on my last nerve, and that is to lift your bike and ship it to some lot somewhere, and charge you a "penalty" to get it back. And the penalty this time was 2000 yen. Especially raised for the month of July.
Forget about the personal expense of taking taxis , buses, or walking in this heat- these are all in the shoganai department, ARRRRRRRRRR.
Next, the post office.
Instead of "it will get to you in 1-2 weeks," it should say,
maybe if someone at Narita Airport incoming mail feels like it, the mail might make it into customs, and then, it might get through customs if they are able to prod, x-ray, and otherwise unwrap to view the contents "up close", and perhaps from then it might just get to the post office closest to you. Maybe. Give or take a month or two.
Personal problems associated with this delay can also be submitted to the shoganai department.
To my friends and family elsewhere, shoganai means, " it can't be helped". People here use it for EVERYTHING. Ie; "I wish this goddamn bus wasn't filled to the gills-" SHOGANAI.
"Gee, this train could maybe get one more person in it, but we would have to break out the K-Y..." ShOGANAI.
Some politician asshole says of gang rapists: "they've got vigor" no one does a thing to get him reprimanded, let alone fired-
you know why? Because it's SHOGANAI.
This is usually the time where I make that great escape to Narita airport, and fly the hell outta Dodge- and it comes right on time, as I feel particularly murderous in July-
One two many gulping beer commercials,
along with the stupid shit-o-meter inscessantly flying off the scale has got me feeling like I'm cuckoo for frickin' cocoa puffs.
But on the plus side, the bus driver was helpful today, and a nice old lady helped me find the place too- and a guy who works on the highway walked with me to find this place also, out in that heat.
Not all things and people are bad here...
It just feels like it at times.
Ah, an earthquake.
Till next time... 'Mela
1:26 AM