Tuesday, May 20, 2003
The sun is out, at last!
I thought the rainy season was upon us, really!
Although I do enjoy a dark cloudy day, when they start to become regular it starts to get me down.
It's funny how environment affects a person.
When I lived in L.A. the sunny weather was ominous at times... but I did so much enjoy the beach!
Today I'm gearing up for my next weekend.
I know when this gig is through I will miss it. It's like that when you almost grow accustomed...
I remember the gig I did with Mr. Nobuo Hara and the Sharps and Flats Big Band- we rehearsed so often, all parts orchestrated , and it was DOWN. One nights' performance, and blammo- back to S A M O...
But for now, I am going to enjoy the present.
Sunny weather and all.
Till next time! 'Mela
11:18 PM