Wednesday, May 07, 2003
" It's a hard
It's a hard
It's a hard
It's a hard
It's a hard rain gonna fall "...
-Bob Dylan
Some days I can spit nails, and this is one of them.
I got 20 million errands to do, but the rain is like a deluge, and there aren't umbrellas big enough to keep the rain from falling on me...
If I get one more advertising email from a certain trumpet player, I simply don't know what I'll do.
The outrage of a congested inbox...
I'm going to appear at a brand new venue one week from today, called "Tableaux Lounge"
in Daikanyama.
It's a cigar- wine- jazz bar... I don't smoke or drink - but sing I DO,
and I WILL...
At last, At last... the rain's let up...
Till next time 'Mela
10:56 PM