Wednesday, April 09, 2003
I didn't get the art show.
There, I said it, and that's it. They said: "Sorry, so many artists and limited space"... This was my first try at the "American Club" , maybe you have to beat a path on the rug before you are considered seriously- in any event- c'est la vie...
I do have some other good news, though. I have a gig at jazz spot "J " in Shinjuku May 2nd, Friday- with The Mike Price Jazz Quintet.
Funny, I was thinking that day of calling Koda-san, [the owner of the club] for a date, but I got distracted by the events of the day after 3pm in the afternoon. [Jazz etiquette: never call before 3pm-]
But he called me.
So, we're on, and I'm hoping to do some new pieces, and to get a mellow jazz sound this time. I got great guys backing me; Mike Price, of course on trumpet, and flugelhorn. He loves to practice, he's meticulous, and he has a flair for keeping the band members "focused". Keisaku Takahashi, on piano- he's simply one of the best pianists I know. He has an great ear, and he can swing with the best of 'em. He plays on my CD, and we've been performing together 10 + years. Tomoya Hara on guitar, he knows ALL the chords, dude... Mark Tourian, on bass- Mark's the greatest- he can groove and get funky- and he's a terribly sweet guy... and last, but not least, Forris Fulford, on the drums- he's got a laid back way of keeping time, that feels very "adult " to me- mellow, and cool- and Forris has a beautiful singing voice.
I look forward to playing with the guys again.
In Paris, France, there is a beautiful garden with a plaque that reads like this: [translated of course]
"In May, you should do as you wish"...
I will be appearing at a new venue in May, for a sizable chunk of the month, called "Tableaux Lounge" in Daikanyama [Shibuya-ku].
May 15,16,17,22,23,24,29,30,31... with a pianist I haven't played with in quite a while, Kei Shibata.
So - although I do have some work for the immediate future, I feel a little down. I know I shouldn't take it personal when I don't get selected for an art show, but I do... I consider my paintings very personal, so I feel rejected when "we" are not chosen. It is something I must work to overcome...
I got my Easter Egg coloring Kit! "DUDLEY'S DAZZLIN' COLORS"... ain't WE got fun.
And this Sunday is Palm Sunday... I remember it as a kid in upstate NY.
Everyone who didn't go to church ALL year long showed up for this particular Sunday to get their annual palms to tack up under their picture of Jesus. They musta had a shipment flown in special for Sunday Mass... Jerusalem Palms? Florida palms? Cuban palms? Spider palms? Who knows... except they sure don’t grow 'em in any place upstate NY.
And the next Sunday would of course, be EASTER. I feel so old fashioned [but once again, in a good way...] by the fashion rules taught to me by my very elegant mother and grand mother- but I still abide them- you don't wear white until after Easter, IT SIMPLY ISN'T DONE!
Easter was the real "Spring" to me- new dress, hat, gloves, shoes, handbag -the works. It has been a tradition that I cannot let go of [and don't want to, either!]. This is probably why I cringe when I see the girls here wearing in February white alligator simulated slingbacks with a gauzy dress/skirt over raggetty-ass, hem ripped at the bottom jeans- all of this ahem, elegance, and the absolute piece de resistance to this fashion statement is, you guessed it- the Louis Vuitton handbag-
I think these girls should save the money from the L.V. bag and use it to travel to Paris, and learn a few things about being a girl: how to dress, and HOW TO WEAR SHOES. A woman walking down the street in Paris clomping her heels as if she were in bedroom slippers would be sneered at, IF it ever happened- I can't help but feel embarrassment for these girls, they may teach what to buy in fashion magazines, but they just don’t teach S T Y L E...
And this has turned into a rant, I 'spect. I have read a lot of other peoples' blogs, and they all have their own reasons for doing them, and I, too have reasons, although with every new entry the reasons differ, but for todays entry I' ll just say this: "Thanks, Doc... my hour is up"
Till next time, ' Mela
8:55 PM