Saturday, April 19, 2003
The Easter Promenade
On a drizzly April morning
a purported large rabbit was said to have hidden
colored eggs in the most trickiest of places-
but nobody looked for them,
sources say.
" We give 'em 'bout 2 weeks, authorities were quoted as saying;
and then you can use your nose to find 'em..."
Birds screeched the blues outside the window
and tap danced in a plastic tray
fighting over the now moist millet
placed on a sunnier day...
"The streets will be dampened, Princess Pea declared,
as she rustled her crinolines-
but promenade I shall!"
She was wearing a chapeaux
made with flowers, and bows.
She's a very fashionable gal...
The sun was unavailable for comment.
The neighborhood trees wave green fingers
the daffodils oooh and ahhh
watching the slow parade of spring
the Easter Promenade...
© 2003
8:09 PM