Thursday, April 17, 2003
A day at the market
The breeze lifts the hem of my skirt
as I ride by.
No reason to investigate that falling down branch or the bruises on that little one's face -
Pedal-ling my ass away...
Vegetables are so unsociable.
Waxed lyrical spherical pinch me I'm dreaming!
Ice age shrimp do a frozen limbo dance.
Tubular rolls and boxes of puffed paper... and the members card motto:
don't you dare leave without that giant dikon...
Insert key here:
The curtains and carpet have been redone from pastel to moss green,
you're welcome to leave all complaints in the proper receptacles -
but it's a like it or lump it neighborhood.
Park and ride
go inside
smell the welcome mat of home
3:14 AM