Friday, March 14, 2003
Early this morning, a high pitched voice called and told me my new bicycle was on the way...
My new "gidensha", as they call it here in Nippon, is here...
There's something spiritual about getting new "wheels"- it conjures up memories long since put aside...
I remember my first bike. My father bought me a Schwinn; aqua blue and brand new- I didn't yet know how to ride a "two wheeler"- my father remedied that one pretty quick: he said ,"sit down here" and soon after shoved me out into the main road alongside "Pops" bicycle shop- I pedaled as if I had been doing it all my life. My father was a Bronx/Army man, he sure didn't stand on ceremony. I was 8 at the time.
The next new bike came on Christmas a few years later. My father and mother were now divorced. He must have been up all night, that Christmas eve-
Christmas day when me and my three sisters came to visit him at his house, there were 4 new bikes, that he had painstakingly put together. I was 12 then.
And now here I am at last- with a beautiful new bike I just got delivered today, wrapped in bubble paper right on down to the foot pedals- they take no chances with bruising things...
I can only think of Roger Daultrey singing the great song from the "WHO" :
In glorious lilac purple and silver with matching baskets.
I'll have to asessorize with a new umbrella and rain towel...
'till next time- 'Mela
9:47 PM