Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A sort of overcast gloom has camped over the skies of Tokyo...
Unfortunately, the light is not strong enough for me to paint in. So, that goes on hold, for today.
Michio has started his Fall Semester at TUJ.
My first gig at the Ritz-Carlton was OK.
It's a beautiful place to perform in, with my pianist and bassist, on the 45th floor lounge.
There are 2 gorgeous Sam Francis paintings, in this large cavernous room with a waterfall/ flowing stream, fresh flowers,crystal chandeliers, and a lovely view of Tokyo....
I'll be appearing next on September 1st, and 4th.
4 Shows from 8-12 midnight.
'Till next time...
11:33 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
© 2007 Pamela MacCarthy>
Jazz Vocalist
Pamela MacCarthy
I'll be appearing at The Ritz-Carlton
Sunday, August 26th.
4 shows, 8 pm - 12 midnight.
Keisaku Takahashi, piano
Michio Takanashi, bass.
'Till next time...
7:38 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I've been painting, and trying to keep cool.
Recently we had the lovely annual fireworks display down by the river... My son Michio was able to make it this year, he & I went down to the river early to reserve our spot, with a tarp with our names on it.
My friends Michael and Hiroshi also were able to make it this year.
It was a bit hard locating each other in the large crowd that gathers every year for this event, especially after dark- But with the help of our mobile phones and perseverance, we were all finally sitting together, checking out this pyrotechnic wonder, sipping cool beverages and crunching on my favorite Summer fireworks snack; ume (plum) flavored chips, or Natsu Potato, as they are called here...
It's a marvel how this all goes down so orderly...
Afterwards, the overhead streetlights resembled moonlight in the trees, as I walked my friends back to the station. We stopped at the local for a couple of brews before parting...
On a less festive note, recently, my lavender bicycle was stolen.
I left it unlocked just this once, while I browsed on the other side of the chicken wire at the plant nursery, not 20 feet away- I went inside to pay for my plants, et voilà, POOF, I returned to an empty space...
The good news is, my son Michio took me to the bike store and ordered me a new bike.

My new wheels!
Many thanks to Michio!
It's hot as blazes here, and it means to stay this way for at least a week. In the hours from 8 am till noon, the light in my room/studio, is best for painting. And that's what I'm doing, while listening to this:
iPOD update for August 2007 :
Quatre Parishe - Dr. John Fortunato - Archie Shepp & Abdullah "Dollar Brand" Ibrahim No Surprises - Radiohead Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythymics House Trance Nation - Liquid Sky Ambience Tropicale - Martinique Zouk Decibel' Butterfly Caught - Massive Attack Stupid Girls - Pink Savannah Dance - Deep Forest Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie Paranoid Android - Radiohead Bad Moon Rising - Credence Clearwater Revival Blue Spruce - Bela Fleck & Edgar Meyer
'Till next time...
6:49 AM